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¥Performing releases

  1. 创建 新问题 来宣布计划发布:

    ¥Create a new issue to announce the planned release:

    • 包括 模板清单

      ¥include the template checklist

    • 如果适用,请列出任何新规则,以便我们可以讨论将它们包含在我们的配置中

      ¥if applicable, list any new rules so that we can discuss including them in our configs

  2. 如有必要,请打开拉取请求以在 docs/user-guide/ 中标记这些规则。

    ¥If necessary, open a pull request to mark those rules in docs/user-guide/

  3. 检查 stylelint/stylelint-ecosystem-tester 中的包测试是否在新版本中失败。

    ¥Check if package tests in stylelint/stylelint-ecosystem-tester fail with the new version.

  4. 如有必要,请在本地测试主分支:

    ¥If necessary, test the main branch locally against:

    1. stylelint/stylelint-config-recommended
    2. stylelint/stylelint-config-standard
    3. stylelint/
  5. 发布 Stylelint:

    ¥Release Stylelint:

    1. 确保 具有最新版本的正确日期 (UTC)。

      ¥Ensure has the correct date (UTC) for the latest release.

    2. 添加有关更改内容的摘要,包括是否有新配置。

      ¥Add a summary about what's changed including if there's a new config.

    3. 如有必要,请对 "准备 x.y.z" 拉取请求中的变更日志条目重新排序,以便影响最广泛的变更排在第一位。

      ¥If necessary, reorder the changelog entries in the "Prepare x.y.z" pull request so that the widest-reaching changes come first.

    4. 合并 "准备 x.y.z" 拉取请求。

      ¥Merge the "Prepare x.y.z" pull request.

    5. stylelint 存储库中打开终端窗口。

      ¥Open a terminal window in the stylelint repository.

    6. 运行 npm run release

      ¥Run npm run release.

    7. np 提示中选择与更改日志中的版本匹配的版本。

      ¥Select the version from the np prompt that matches the one in the changelog.

    8. 确认将包发布到

      ¥Confirm the publishing of the package to

    9. 确认在 stylelint/stylelint/releases 创建版本。

      ¥Confirm the creation of the release at stylelint/stylelint/releases.

  6. 如有必要,释放 stylelint-config-*

    ¥If necessary, release stylelint-config-*:

    1. 更改为 stylelint-config-* 存储库。

      ¥Change to the stylelint-config-* repository.

    2. 对该存储库重复上述步骤 5 到 8。

      ¥Repeat steps 5 to 8 above for that repository.

  7. 更新网站:

    ¥Update the website:

    1. 转到 存储库中的 发布操作页面

      ¥Go to the releasing action page in the repository.

    2. 单击运行工作流程。

      ¥Click Run workflow.

    3. 检查并合并由操作创建的拉取请求。

      ¥Check and merge a pull request created by the action.

    4. 确认部署更新至

      ¥Confirm the deployment of the update to

  8. 检查 是否安装了最新的 Stylelint 和配置版本。

    ¥Check that installs the latest Stylelint and config versions.


¥New release issue template

- [ ] stylelint-ecosystem-tester check
- [ ] stylelint release
- [ ] stylelint-config-recommended update/release
- [ ] stylelint-config-standard update/release
- [ ] update
- [ ] stylelint-demo check