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Node.js API

Stylelint 模块包含提供 Node.js API 的 lint() 函数。

¥The Stylelint module includes a lint() function that provides the Node.js API.

const result = await stylelint.lint(options);



除了 标准选项 之外,Node API 还接受:

¥In addition to the standard options, the Node API accepts:


一个 配置对象

¥A configuration object.

如果你使用此选项,Stylelint 不会费心寻找配置文件(例如 stylelint.config.js)。

¥Stylelint does not bother looking for a configuration file (e.g. stylelint.config.js) if you use this option.



¥A string to lint.


Stylelint 将从中查找文件的目录。默认为 process.cwd() 返回的当前工作目录。

¥The directory from which Stylelint will look for files. Defaults to the current working directory returned by process.cwd().


一个文件 glob,或者 文件全局 的数组。

¥A file glob, or array of file globs.

相对 glob 被认为是相对于 globbyOptions.cwd 的。

¥Relative globs are considered relative to globbyOptions.cwd.

虽然 filescode 都是 "optional",但你必须有一个,不能同时拥有。

¥Though both files and code are "optional", you must have one and cannot have both.


通过 files 传递的选项。

¥The options that are passed with files.

例如,你可以设置在通配路径时使用的特定 cwdfiles 中的相对 glob 被认为是相对于该路径的。默认情况下,globbyOptions.cwd 将由 cwd 设置。

¥For example, you can set a specific cwd to use when globbing paths. Relative globs in files are considered relative to this path. By default, globbyOptions.cwd will be set by cwd.

更详细的使用方法请参见 全球指南

¥For more detail usage, see Globby Guide.

返回的 promise

¥The returned promise

stylelint.lint() 返回一个 Promise,该 Promise 解析为包含以下属性的对象:

¥stylelint.lint() returns a Promise that resolves with an object containing the following properties:


如果 fix 选项设置为 true 并且提供了 code 选项,则包含自动修复代码的字符串。否则为 undefined

¥A string that contains the autofixed code, if the fix option is set to true and the code option is provided. Otherwise, it is undefined.


用作 linting 操作的工作目录的目录。

¥The directory used as the working directory for the linting operation.


布尔值。如果是 true,则至少有一条具有 "error" 级严重性的规则记录了问题。

¥Boolean. If true, at least one rule with an "error"-level severity registered a problem.


[!WARNING] This property is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.请改用 reportcode。参见 迁移指南

¥[!WARNING] This property is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. Use report or code instead. See the migration guide.


¥A string that contains either the:

  • 格式化问题(使用默认格式化程序或你通过的任何一个)

    ¥formatted problems (using the default formatter or whichever you passed)

  • 或自动修复代码(如果 fix 选项设置为 true

    ¥or the autofixed code, if the fix option is set to true


包含所有累积的 PostCSS LazyResults 的数组。

¥An array containing all the accumulated PostCSS LazyResults.



¥A string that contains the formatted problems (using the default formatter or whichever you passed).


包含所有 Stylelint 结果对象(格式化程序使用的对象)的数组。

¥An array containing all the Stylelint result objects (the objects that formatters consume).


包含最大警告数量和发现数量的对象,例如 { maxWarnings: 0, foundWarnings: 12 }

¥An object containing the maximum number of warnings and the amount found, e.g. { maxWarnings: 0, foundWarnings: 12 }.


¥Syntax errors

当你的 CSS 包含语法错误时,stylelint.lint() 不会拒绝 Promise。它使用包含语法错误信息的对象(参见 返回的 promise)进行解析。

¥stylelint.lint() does not reject the Promise when your CSS contains syntax errors. It resolves with an object (see the returned promise) that contains information about the syntax error.


¥Usage examples

示例 A

¥Example A

由于 config 不包含 extendsplugins 的相对路径,因此你不必使用 configBasedir

¥As config contains no relative paths for extends or plugins, you do not have to use configBasedir:

try {
const result = await stylelint.lint({
config: { rules: "color-no-invalid-hex" },
files: "all/my/stylesheets/*.css"
// do things with, result.errored, and result.results
} catch (err) {
// do things with err e.g.

示例 B

¥Example B

如果 myConfig 确实包含 extendsplugins 的相对路径,则必须使用 configBasedir

¥If myConfig does contain relative paths for extends or plugins, you do have to use configBasedir:

const result = await stylelint.lint({
config: myConfig,
configBasedir: url.fileURLToPath(new URL("configs", import.meta.url)),
files: "all/my/stylesheets/*.css"

示例 C

¥Example C

使用字符串代码代替文件 glob,并使用详细格式化程序代替默认 JSON:

¥Using a string code instead of a file glob, and the verbose formatter instead of the default JSON:

const result = await stylelint.lint({
code: "a { color: pink; }",
config: myConfig,
formatter: "verbose"

// do things with

该报告将作为返回对象中 report 属性的值提供。

¥The report will be available as the value of the report property in the returned object.

示例 D

¥Example D


¥Using your own custom formatter function:

const result = await stylelint.lint({
config: myConfig,
files: "all/my/stylesheets/*.css",
formatter: (results) => {
/* .. */

示例 E

¥Example E


¥Using a custom syntax:

const result = await stylelint.lint({
config: myConfig,
files: "all/my/stylesheets/*.css",
customSyntax: {
parse(css, opts) {
/* .. */
stringify(node, builder) {
/* .. */

[!NOTE] The customSyntax option also accepts a string.有关详细信息,请参阅选项文档

¥[!NOTE] The customSyntax option also accepts a string. Refer to the options documentation for details.

示例 F

¥Example F

使用字符串代码和 fix 选项:

¥Using a string code and the fix option:

const result = await stylelint.lint({
code: "a { color: pink; }",
config: { rules: { "hue-degree-notation": "angle" } },
fix: true

// do things with result.code

自动修复的代码将作为返回对象中 code 属性的值提供。

¥The autofixed code will be available as the value of the code property in the returned object.


¥Resolving the effective config for a file

如果你想找出文件将使用什么确切配置而不实际检查它,你可以使用 resolveConfig() 函数。给定一个文件路径,它将返回一个用有效配置对象解析的 Promise

¥If you want to find out what exact configuration will be used for a file without actually linting it, you can use the resolveConfig() function. Given a file path, it will return a Promise that resolves with the effective configuration object:

const config = await stylelint.resolveConfig(filePath);

// config => {
// rules: {
// 'color-no-invalid-hex': true
// },
// extends: [
// 'stylelint-config-standard',
// 'stylelint-config-css-modules'
// ],
// plugins: [
// 'stylelint-scss'
// ],
// …
// }

如果找不到文件的配置,resolveConfig() 将返回解析为 undefinedPromise

¥If a configuration cannot be found for a file, resolveConfig() will return a Promise that resolves to undefined.

你还可以传递 通常传递给 lint() 的选项 的以下子集:

¥You can also pass the following subset of the options that you would normally pass to lint():

  • cwd

  • config

  • configBasedir

  • customSyntax