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¥Disallow unknown values for descriptors within at-rules.

@counter-style foo {
system: unknown;
/** ↑

* Values like this */

此规则认为 CSS 规范中定义的描述符和值(包括编辑草稿)是已知的。

¥This rule considers descriptors and values defined in the CSS Specifications, up to and including Editor's Drafts, to be known.

你可以过滤 CSSTree 语法参考 以找出哪些值对于 at-rule 的描述符有效。

¥You can filter the CSSTree Syntax Reference to find out what values are valid for a descriptor of an at-rule.

此规则仅适用于 CSS。你不应该为类似 CSS 的语言(例如 SCSS 或 Less)启用它。

¥This rule is only appropriate for CSS. You should not turn it on for CSS-like languages, such as SCSS or Less.

message 次要选项 可以接受该规则的参数。

¥The message secondary option can accept the arguments of this rule.

此规则检查 at-rules 中的描述符值。你可以使用 declaration-property-value-no-unknown 禁止声明中的属性的未知值,使用 at-rule-descriptor-no-unknown 禁止 at-rules 中的未知描述符。

¥This rule checks descriptor values within at-rules. You can use declaration-property-value-no-unknown to disallow unknown values for properties within declarations, and at-rule-descriptor-no-unknown to disallow unknown descriptors for at-rules.


¥This rule overlaps with:


¥You can either turn off the rules or configure them to ignore the overlaps.

有关自定义语法,请参阅 languageOptions 部分。

¥For customizing syntax, see the languageOptions section.


¥Prior art:





¥The following patterns are considered problems:

@counter-style foo {
system: unknown;
@property --foo {
syntax: unknown;


¥The following patterns are not considered problems:

@counter-style foo {
system: numeric;
@property --foo {
syntax: "<color>";