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指定不允许的 URL 方案的列表。

¥Specify a list of disallowed URL schemes.

a { background-image: url(''); }
/** ↑

* This URL scheme */

网址方案 由字母数字、+-. 字符组成。它可以出现在 URL 的开头,后跟 :

¥A URL scheme consists of alphanumeric, +, -, and . characters. It can appear at the start of a URL and is followed by :.


¥This rule ignores:

  • 没有现有 URL 方案的 URL 参数

    ¥URL arguments without an existing URL scheme

  • 带有变量或变量插值的 URL 参数($sass@less--custom-property#{$var}@{var}$(var)

    ¥URL arguments with variables or variable interpolation ($sass, @less, --custom-property, #{$var}, @{var}, $(var))

message 次要选项 可以接受该规则的参数。

¥The message secondary option can accept the arguments of this rule.



array|string|regex["array", "of", /schemes/, "/regex/"]|"scheme"|"/regex/"|/regex/



["ftp", "/^http/"]


¥The following patterns are considered problems:

a { background-image: url(''); }
a { background-image: url(''); }
a { background-image: url(''); }


¥The following patterns are not considered problems:

a { background-image: url(''); }
a { background-image: url(''); }
a { background-image: url('/'); }
a { background-image: url('//'); }
a { background-image: url('./path/to/file.jpg'); }