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¥Require or disallow quotes for font family names.

a { font-family: "Times New Roman", 'Ancient Runes', serif; }
/** ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

* These quotation marks and this one */

此规则检查 fontfont-family 属性。

¥This rule checks the font and font-family properties.

此规则忽略 $sass@lessvar(--custom-property) 变量语法。

¥This rule ignores $sass, @less, and var(--custom-property) variable syntaxes.

fix 选项 可以自动修复此规则报告的大部分问题。

¥The fix option can automatically fix most of the problems reported by this rule.

message 次要选项 可以接受参数。

¥The message secondary option can accept arguments.





¥Please read the following to understand these options:

  • fontfont-family 属性接受特殊关键字的简短列表:inheritserifsans-serifcursivefantasysystem-uimonospaceui-serifui-sans-serifui-monospaceui-roundedemojimathfangsong。如果你将这些单词放在引号中,浏览器不会将它们解释为关键字,而是会查找该名称的字体(例如,将查找 "sans-serif" 字体) - 这几乎不是你想要的。相反,你使用这些关键字来指向内置的通用后备(对吗?)。因此,下面的所有选项都强制这些关键字不加引号。(如果你确实想使用名为 "sans-serif" 的字体,请关闭此规则。)

    ¥The font and font-family properties accept a short list of special keywords: inherit, serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, system-ui, monospace, ui-serif, ui-sans-serif, ui-monospace, ui-rounded, emoji, math and fangsong. If you wrap these words in quotes, the browser will not interpret them as keywords, but will instead look for a font by that name (e.g. will look for a "sans-serif" font) -- which is almost never what you want. Instead, you use these keywords to point to the built-in, generic fallbacks (right?). Therefore, all of the options below enforce no quotes around these keywords. (If you actually want to use a font named "sans-serif", turn this rule off.)

  • 引号建议 在规范中 与 "包含空格、数字或标点符号(连字符除外)的字体系列名称"。

    ¥Quotes are recommended in the spec with "font family names that contain white space, digits, or punctuation characters other than hyphens".

  • 当字体系列名称不是 有效的 CSS 标识符 时,需要用引号引起来。例如,如果字体系列名称包含 $!/,则需要在其周围加上引号,但仅仅因为它包含空格或(非初始)数字或下划线,则不需要引号。你可能可以打赌,你使用的几乎每个字体系列名称都将是有效的 CSS 标识符。

    ¥Quotes are required around font-family names when they are not valid CSS identifiers. For example, a font family name requires quotes around it if it contains $, ! or /, but does not require quotes just because it contains spaces or a (non-initial) number or underscore. You can probably bet that almost every font family name you use will be a valid CSS identifier.

  • 切勿在浏览器前缀系统字体(例如 -apple-systemBlinkMacSystemFont)周围使用引号。

    ¥Quotes should never be used around vendor prefixed system fonts such as -apple-system and BlinkMacSystemFont.

有关这些微妙之处的更多信息,请阅读 Mathias Bynens 的 "CSS 中不带引号的字体系列名称"

¥For more on these subtleties, read "Unquoted font family names in CSS", by Mathias Bynens.

[!警告] 此规则目前无法理解 Mathias 描述的转义序列。如果你想使用字体系列名称 "夏威夷 5-0",则需要将其用引号引起来,而不是将其转义为 Hawaii \35 -0Hawaii\ 5-0

¥[!WARNING] This rule does not currently understand escape sequences such as those described by Mathias. If you want to use the font family name "Hawaii 5-0" you will need to wrap it in quotes, instead of escaping it as Hawaii \35 -0 or Hawaii\ 5-0.



¥Expect quotes around every font family name that is not a keyword.


¥The following patterns are considered problems:

a { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
a { font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif; }
a { font: 1em Arial, sans-serif; }


¥The following patterns are not considered problems:

a { font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; }
a { font-family: "Times New Roman", "Times", serif; }
a { font: 1em 'Arial', sans-serif; }



¥Expect quotes only when quotes are required according to the criteria above, and disallow quotes in all other cases.


¥The following patterns are considered problems:

a { font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; }
a { font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; }
a { font: 1em "Arial", sans-serif; }


¥The following patterns are not considered problems:

a { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
a { font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif; }
a { font-family: "Hawaii 5-0"; }
a { font: 1em Arial, sans-serif; }


¥Expect quotes only when quotes are recommended according to the criteria above, and disallow quotes in all other cases. (This includes all cases where quotes are required, as well.)


¥The following patterns are considered problems:

a { font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif; }
a { font-family: MyFontVersion6, sake_case_font; }
a { font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; }
a { font: 1em Times New Roman, Times, serif; }


¥The following patterns are not considered problems:

a { font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; }
a { font-family: "MyFontVersion6", "sake_case_font"; }
a { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
a { font: 1em 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; }